Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The first post is now here. The blog is online.

Hello, this is Sarkuvaria or just Sark for short but most people might know me as Kenji Imatake, the lead pixel artist for FSMR.

FSMR has been going on and off for about 8 years now, I know it has been a while since the last update but it's back and here to stay thanks to a certain team who made a remake of a Metroid game recently, bringing my inspiration back and building a team to bring this MZM style remake to life.

Currently we have a programmer working on a completely new engine, myself on the graphics, and two musicians, but we are looking for more people to join in. If you're a pixel artist or programmer, there are positions open right now ^^ we are searching for another general pixel artist, background artist, and an artist to help draw sprites multiple times under different points of light. All we need is an example of your work and your Discord ID.

For this first post, I have some screenshots with the current graphics as of today taken in the old FSMR engine and slightly edited to include the hud and effects not yet implemented. The minimap shown off is an experimental style and may not stay due to it taking up more of the screen than I'd like, but let me know what you guys think in the comments section!

First up is Ceres. Not a whole lot of the rest of the custom tiles are shown off in this image, but a lot of unique tiles and features are coming to this space colony!

Next is Crateria. Crateria is getting a totally revamped custom tileset. The tiles Samus is on are the old ones and will most likely be redone in the near future. Due to not being limited in colors, I expanded the pallette to help bring FSMR more to life and with more detail.

In both images are also some of Samus's new sprites. Samus has one more transitional sprite for smoother animation and on that note she can now turn a full 360 degrees. Her pose on Ceres is her normal relaxed pose, but when the player makes her shoot, she goes into a pose closer to the pose she keeps in Zero Mission. This is just a small fraction of the things I am working on to bring Samus more to life and give her a bit of personality through body language.

Other than this, there are lots of new features coming to FSMR and I cannot wait to show off more as we work on this project. Stay tuned!



  1. Massively looking forward to this! I really like the sprites, and especially the idea of two poses based on whether or not you've recently fired. The minimap outline does feel a little out of place, and kinda unnecessary, since no other 2D Metroid has a special outline for the minimap, but something less intrusive as that right there wouldn't be unwelcome. Hope this can be seen through to completion. All the luck to you!

    1. Maybe change the map to hexagons or isometry? (I kid.)

  2. Just discovered this game, it looks awesome!
    I hope it goes foward and that a certain company's legal department learned a lesson or two, because i really want to see this being successful game, because we really deserve a good game after that Metroid FF thing.
    Good luck on your project, man!

  3. I cannot wait for this to be released. Try to stay under the radar though cause Nintendo will be lurking man 😂. And a logbook similar to AM2R would be amazing to implement.

  4. I'd help out if I could(I'm not a sprite artist or a programmer, something I want to do/try), but If anything I would recommend talking to doc from AM2R, see what worked for him and if he has any tips. For music, I would recommend giving the Blake Robinson on youtube a shout, the Super Metroid Symphony sound track is amazing and would lessen the work load(in regards to the soundtrack at least).

  5. Also, Fusion suit option(unlock for beating the game) would be awesome. Have the Original soundtrack an unlock/option in the menu would be a cool addition. If you can add the metroid Prime beam sounds, that would be awesome as well.

  6. I have lots and lots of assets, mainly for subscreens and HUD.


    It can be resized to fit a 240x160 screen, although I really wonder why you went with the whole 240x160 thing in the first place. It's -extremely- limiting, especially for a PC game.

    I once had a 320x240 MZM engine in the works. Ask your programmer if he'd be interested in having a reference.


    Discord #7873

    1. The screen resolution is something that will definitely be increased. I haven't bothered changing the views in the old engine, which I use currently for testing graphics until we have the new engine ready.

  7. This Samus sprite seems like a perfect combination between Super, Zero Mission and Fusion. SA-X was my favorite, but Super's size and color scheme was very cool as well. This seems to take the right colors, pose, size, etc. Great work on the shoulders and helmet!

  8. I have a question: Why is it that the player's health only goes up to 99? I think it should go up to 100! (That one unit of health can make a big difference)

  9. Oh, a little quicky:
    You should include a link to these archived posts.

  10. Look at my terrible game metroidafangame.blogspot.co.uk

    Did you hear about kousorus (kind of ) latest engine v 5.2

  11. Hi all if you want I can do rooms for you, I probably have more time than most of you and my project is on hiatus for now, as an example of my work I can send my tech demo if you want. My discord is
    Hackmi #2664
    Gmail is solderphobia@gmail.com
    My game is https://metroidafangame.blogspot.co.uk
    It is not as promising as this is. But I would love to collaborate sark. See you at discord!

  12. Hello there, I would very much like to be a graphics artist for this game (if it is still alive) since I have the tools and the time. That is of course if the spot's still open.
    Gmail: luisferjimor@gmail.com
    Discord: s8n#6429
    Deviantart (inactive): https://www.deviantart.com/fherjimor
    Please message through Discord, I'm on there more often than any other site!

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