Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas update

Happy Holidays to everyone from the FSMR team! We hope everyone has been having a wonderful time this December! For those of you looking forward to FSMR this post certainly has some great treats for you!

We are starting this post off with the image you see above, this is of course a recreation of the Super Metroid intro using Samus's power suit design from Samus Returns. The blinking animation is completely finished and will be shown in a future trailer.

Ceres is pretty much done, this is a rough draft of the map without the foreground or background objects.

Ceres is going to feel bigger in some ways. There are doors in the background
that open up as Samus passes by them to reveal rooms or hallways, showing there is more to Ceres than what we saw in the original Super Metroid.

The image here is what Ridley's room looked like before the
resolution change. The resolution was 288x224, the same as
 the original Super Metroid.

This was the room shown in the December 17th edit. The resolution
is now 320x240, the same as AM2R's. The room is quite a bit bigger but not too big.

This room is a mockup, so it may not end up looking quite the same in the
final version. This was a test to see how the eye sensor would look like in
Blue Brinstar's tileset. The eye sensor didn't appear much in the original
Super Metroid, but you can expect them to play a bigger role in FSMR.

The animation for it was fun to create. The eye sensor looks more "evil" in
a lot of ways

The environments will feel more organic and realistic, 8 new slope angles that don't
appear in Super Metroid, Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion are being added. With it, you can almost make a perfect circle as seen above.

Power-ups are getting a facelift. This is an example of how
Missile Expansions and Energy Tanks are going to look like.

This is how Samus's turn animation for all actions will work.
Turning right to left will have her turn facing the player.
Left to right will have her back to the player. I chose to create the animation
like this to give a feeling of depth, and also because this is how the
animation was like in Samus Returns.

 The first Zebesian shown on the blog! The tileset here is still experimental.

 Pink Brinstar's reveal! The tileset is still a work in progress, but
more or less will look like this. Find the Metaree!

Doors from Pink Brinstar going to Green Brinstar will have this
transition tileset. A new door variant is also seen here, the brass colored doors
appear in this area of Brinstar. The ones in Green Brinstar have vines clinging to them.

Finally the ship has been updated. The ship is based on the one
that makes an appearence in the Super Smash Bros series, and to an extent
based on Metroid Other M's design.
 The patterned windshield is inspired from
Samus Return's design as well.

Some control changes are being made as well. The controls for the game are being talked about often so we can keep improving them. The team has been looking at how the controls could work on PlayStation and Xbox controllers and how we can utilize Samus's whole arsenal and access everything quickly.

A new change we have been looking into is a new weapon selection system. How this works is a button is held down and a menu is brought up to select what you want to use. The menu would look something like this for example:

After making your selection, you hold down the "armed" button (Let's say R1 for example) to use what you selected. Missiles would work as they do in MZM, with R1 toggling them on or off if you hold it or not, and X-Ray Scope would automatically turn on the moment you hit R1.

Well, this about wraps up FSMR's Christmas update. As 2019 rolls in so will more progress until FSMR's eventual release! Happy holidays to everyone and see you next update!


  1. I am the first to see the post and I have to say that I really liked everything you are doing with FSMR and it is certainly a good Christmas gift, good job.;D

  2. Wow, everything here looks fantastic! All the original spritework/tilework is amazing; that intro screen in particular is absolutely gorgeous. And Samus's general look here feels like it's better every time I look at it, and I've liked it from the start.

    The eye sensor is a small detail, but you've done an excellent job with it! Same goes for the Ceres backgrounds (I love the idea of seeing little bits of the rest of Ceres in the background), and especially Pink Brinstar. That environment looks stunning, and I *love* the doors reflecting the transition between regions.

    The weapon-switching mechanic sounds really solid; the same method's used in a lot of other games, and for good reason. It'll fit really well with this, I feel.

    This game is looking more and more exceptional with every update. Great work, y'all! And thanks so much for committing to this project! Happy Holidays to everyone working on this; I hope all's well for you folks. Making stuff as incredible as this, y'all deserve life to be good.

  3. Hi,

    I don't see any picture. Maybe my browser has problems...

    I want to encourage you ^^

  4. What are your plans for when Nintendo inevitably takes legal action against you? Because I REALLY want to play this magical beast when it's finished ala AM2R.

  5. Going to be harsh here (though I wish the best of luck)
    The whole project seems so inconsistent, like the style in general.
    Also not a fan of that ship either...
    Good luck to you anyway, maybe it'll improve in future.
    -I'm still willing to help lol it's been like 2 years

    1. Y'all realize they're still relatively early in development, right? Like, this isn't all final assets; a number of these assets are recognizable as coming from Zero Mission (I imagine any ZM tiles that do stay will edited to fit in better), and as for the original assets, it all looks perfectly consistent to me.

      Also, the ship looks excellent, what do you even mean?

  6. What language is this being programed in?

  7. All that looks fantastic! Congratulations for the work and keep going, my fingers are burning for playing this game that looks magistral. Merry Christmas, happy holidays and happy new year for all.

  8. looks amazing! will there bee a beta in late 2019?

  9. I only have two complains about this update: The ship looks way too small now, nothing too complex, just make it bigger. And there is the X-Ray, is it even worhty being there? If you ask me I would remove it and use that slot to the Grappling Beam, the X-Ray adds nothing substancial to the experience.

  10. Very nice job with most of the GFX but i'm thinking it needs some work, but the whole idea of the new sprites is great, on the other hand you really need some help and you shouldn't neguet offers from other artist i think

  11. So amped for this. I'm glad this is still in development. Keep up the good work!!

  12. Looks nice. The game looks very revised, and the sprites definitely feel as good as they look. The map layout looks more or less the same, but the backgrounds and textures are generally not dated. The movement might hold more weight to it, but I'm confident the main techniques of the game still work, and the ability to sequence break is no less possible than in vanilla.

  13. Hello Kenji. There is a proposal for a scenario battle with Crocomire. In the original Super Metroid, Crocomire when his kick out on the bridge, falls into the acid, destroying the bridge "its own weight". I propose the following changes in the battle.
    1. To Crocomire fell from the bridge into the acid after the explosion of the bridge by a bomb or by super bomb, that it would be even cooler. (In the original Super Metroid, I took super bomb in front of the entrance to the lair Crocomire, it was not a violation of the sequence of the passing game, it is simply right jump from platform falling under the weight Samus).
    2. For greater effect, the Crocomire with peeling from burns skin must break the wall, and not the skeleton of Crocomire.
    Thus, after the explosion of the bridge, with Crocomire the following should happen:
    a) It will fall into acid;
    b) It's coming out of the acid on the other side of the screen. Like in the original Super Metroid he'll have to swim in acid at the bottom of the screen, and here You can add effects (shaking the screen, the appearance of cracks on the surface), as if Crocomire is trying to get out, or wants to destroy the surface under Samus;
    c) It breaks the wall, his flesh is falling off from burns;
    d) He falls dead, his flesh finally falls off, leaving one skeleton.

    Cruel, but realistic.

    Best regards,

    (P.S. sorry for my English, if something is not correctly written)

  14. A few questions about FSMR's inner workings:
    *Is it being programmed in GameMaker Studio, using either MEngine or Boot? Or is this an entirely new engine, from the ground up?
    *Will Reserve Tanks and the Grapple Beam be returning from the SNES original?
    *Will analog sticks be supported for gamepads, both for movement, aiming, and subweapon selection?
    *Speaking of the proposed subweapon selection method, will this be operated with the D-Pad, or an analog stick? In either case, will the game speed slow down while this menu is up, so things don't get too dicey when both Standard and Super Missiles are needed to break barriers or take down a boss?
    *One thing that never showed up in M:SR was the Speed Booster. How will these new animations for Samus work while the upgrade is active? Also, will Shinesparking drain energy like on the SNES?
    *Another aspect of M:SR is the separation of the Ice Beam from the otherwise-stacking Power/Charge/Spazer/Wave/Plasma combo. How will this be handled in FSMR?
    *Can Spazer and Plasma Beams be used together, unlike the original?

    1. I think that Reserve Tanks, the Grapple Beam, and Shinespark damage should return. In my opinion, I think that the Ice Beam shouldn't be separated from the rest of the beams. Also, I think the Spazer and Plasma can be used together, due to improved hardware. And I would prefer the subweapon menu to use the D-Pad.

    2. Plasma and spacer weren’t incompatible due to hardware. Using cheats you can use both on all original hardware. It was an intentional gameplay feature

    3. I'm talking about how those two can't be used together through normal means. I am aware that there are cheats that let you use both together.

  15. I don't know how this project is going, but keep up the good work! Don't give up! You've got people backing you!

  16. Hopefully nintendo learned from their mistake with AM2R

    1. What do you mean by that? Nintendo hitting the fan game sooner?

    2. That's right, Nintendo has made legal claims to several games made by fans to stop their developments, on the one hand it is justified since fans create games using material that is under copyright.
      one of the best cases on this issue was the AM2R game, which the main reason, I think, was that this game could have ruined the sales of Samus Returns, since both games are a remake of the Metroid 2.
      and to avoid such problem, they pressed for the game to be canceled and their download links removed.

    3. AM2R was not licensed byNintendo, and there was nothing wrong with AM2R

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Please try and make it compatible with android systems. I played AM2R on my phone and the controls worked great! If you could do the same with this one, it would be 10 times greater

  19. I have high hopes for this metroid remake, and cannot wait for its eventual release! I am hoping that there are newer collection features, like a new addition to Samus' arsenal or suit that was mentioned in a later post. The graphics are breathtaking, the backgrounds are wonderfully complex and gives every room its own unique feel that I love. I have always loved beautiful visuals, and I especially love your ideas in putting in the little things that seem to be neglected; like the eye laser.
    Some little things have been nagging at me though. As some have been saying, is the xray visor necessary? I kind of love finding nooks and crannies myself without help, and, to me, it feels like I'm cheesing the game with help that feels amateur.
    Another thing, the ship. The designs I've seen have either been to small or too large. The ship is also too compact in my oppinion. The designs in MZM and MF gave me a realistic feel, like you could actually build it and would funtion properly. I know it is a fantasy game, but I do like some realism in my games.
    One last comment, I've always enjoyed new stuff, and I just wanted to say that I look forward to experiencing what you guys come up with to give me a clearer feel of the Super Metroid game with it, even if it isn't close to the original. I doubt Nintendo would close this down, unless they just spontaneously decided to make another remake. I didn't quite like how some aspects were removed from Samus returns. Since the feel of the game felt more like a GBA Metriod. Personally, I like having aspects of previous game put into one, then having the newer stuf thrown in there to enhance the experience.
    All in all, I look forward to this game. Keep up the great work, but don't neglect your personal life!

    1. "is the xray visor necessary?"
      as always in any metroidvania that offers you help
      you dont have to take it
      dont want to use the x-ray scope?
      then dont use it
      if you think you can get by without it
      then good
      it wasnt made for people with your skillset

      "the ship looks bad"
      yeah i agree too
      dont know why but it just doesnt look good

    2. oh man it parsed my spacing
      now it doesnt look as neat

  20. sarkuvaria
    you wouldnt happen to have a dev discord thats open to the public would you?
    id love to see updates in real time

  21. Hey looks great! im a huge fan of Am2R so i cant wait to see future trailers and updates!! good job!

  22. Hello, what language is FSMR programmed in?
    I know an amount of C (not C++), and am trying to learn Java but would not be afraid of learning something else if it meant helping this game.
