Hey everyone! Been quite a while huh?
This will be sad news I'm afraid to say... There has been some progress since the last update to the blog but unfortunately for the foreseeable future FSMR is no longer moving forward with development.
It's been a crazy couple of years that has been pretty rough on just about everyone, this extends to the FSMR team and myself.
It has also been a challenge finding other artists and programmers who are interested in FSMR... Super Metroid is a pretty massive game. Add in any new additional content that was planned, tiny level details, programming all these new things and it becomes quite a lot of work even for a small professional team!
Maybe one day we will be able to start this project back up again, I know a lot of people were looking forward to FSMR but it just isn't feasible at this current time I'm afraid to say...
Some quick and simple concepts of how we could bring back the power grip room
and make the room before that held a power bomb in Super Metroid connect better visually with the Metroid: Zero Mission version of the room.
A simple image showing new sprites for the power beam.

Some rooms and areas were to have drastic redesigns to make certain areas and features really stand out.
This Tourian tileset was made by the very talented Shmegleskimo with a few additional tiles I made for more variety. Tourian would have had this whole red and blue wiring theme going on, almost like veins.
An unfinished piece of artwork for the opening scene. Other than just remaking everything, nebula clouds and Zebes moons were to be new additions from the original.
While FSMR might not be moving forward for the time being, some of the FSMR team and I along with new team members will be working on a new project highly inspired by the Metroid games...
A sci-fi horror Metroidvania on Saturn's moon Titan currently called "Pavor Nocturnus."
An ominous coastline and 360 aiming?!
This will be the last post here until FSMR possibly reboots again in the future. I am sorry to have to end the project once again but until we can assemble a bigger team among other issues, FSMR is on ice once again.
Thank you all for keeping up with the project, hopefully someday in the near future this project will come back to life and something will finally be released! Until then, keep an eye out for Pavor Nocturnus!