Hello all, Sark here.
There is not a whole lot to show in terms of graphics (there will definitely be new screenshots in this post!), the new engine, videos, or music yet. I do have some updates and answers to any general questions people may have, I am also going to go over some information about the project for people just learning what FSMR is.
What is FSMR?
FSMR stands for First Super Metroid Remake, it began as a simple MZM style remake of Super Metroid made in Game Maker back in 2008.
When will FSMR come out?Unfortunately, we are still at a pretty early stage in development so it is hard to say. A lot of assets that have been made over the years are in need of being reworked in fact.
Will there be new areas/ items/ features?
Yes to all. There will be at least one new area planned that does not detract from the main story as well as proposed new areas, extensions and redesigns to existing areas, There's also at least one new item as well as a few proposed power ups, there is also a plethora of new features coming to FSMR to really bring Zebes to life. A lot of this won't be seen for a while though so sit tight ^^
Is FSMR coming to Android/iOS?
It is my hope to bring FSMR to as many platforms as possible. Before we release FSMR, we will definitely have it ready for any other platform we are able to bring it to ^^
Are there any positions open?
At the moment we are looking for graphic artists, especially pixel artists. Send me a message or comment if you are interested!
Now here's the latest update :D

After much consideration, I have decided to make a completely custom Samus sprite. It's larger than the MZM sprite, it's bigger than the Super Metroid sprite in fact. I literally completed this first sprite an hour ago so it's going to be going through some changes after this and another pallette swap possibly. The pros of this isn't just that it will look better, I am able to use the animation data I've worked on for the GBA style FSMR Samus sprite to help animate this new sprite better.
I have added a lot of frames to the old sprites, I have not had a chance to really show it off but Samus animates very smoothly now. the frames for the Morphball were doubled, for example.

This is an exact rip of a save room from Zero Mission, the main point being to show some of the new save room tiles. The new "bubbles" don't really fit in this room at all in my opinion, so I'm hoping to show them again once the new save room tiles are fully complete.

The background is temporary, we will be having custom totally redone backgrounds being made. Otherwise this is showing off some of the new tiles. A lot of the tiles on the ceiling are place holders as well. Details aside, it paints a picture of how Crateria is coming along =)

I apologize for the size, but I figured I'd post it to give an idea of the Gravity Suit's look as well as to show a very small preview of what Maridia's rocky tileset looked like. It's being scrapped for a better, custom tileset.